Have you been tested?

From the start of this crisis, experts and public health leaders have made one thing crystal clear: COVID-19 testing saves lives. Testing is how we can track the virus, get ahead of outbreaks, identify who needs to be isolated. Testing is the first step in determining how, when, and whether we can safely reopen more businesses and public spaces.

You can sign up for a free COVID-19 test today, with or without symptoms. Spread the word to your family, friends, and colleagues.

Don’t wait and don’t wonder. Make an appointment and get tested today.

Contact Tracing Scams

Contact Tracing Scams

You’ve probably been hearing a lot about contact tracing. It’s the process of identifying people who have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, instructing them to quarantine and monitoring their symptoms daily.

Contact tracers are usually hired by a state’s department of public health. They work with an infected person to get the names and phone numbers for everyone that infected person came in close contact with while the possibly infectious.

Contact tracers will never ask you for your Social Security Number, your bank account information, immigration status or your health insurance info. They will ask you for who you have been in contact with, so that they can continue to alert people about a need to quarantine. See this short video on it from City Attorney Mike Feuer.


Reopening Timeline

LA County’s Economic Resiliency Task Force – created last month to help the County improve the economy, create jobs and return to full employment – has announced its plan to reopen LA County by July 4.