crenshaw metro

We have heard from several stakeholders that the photo enforcement cameras for the Crenshaw line are not working properly. Board Members have checked them out and noticed that while stopped at intersections with cameras, with nobody moving through the intersection, that the cameras were busy taking pictures like paparazzi in pursuit of a celebrity.

Other stakeholders have written in to say that they think the concept even when functioning correctly, is abusive and not appropriate in these stressful times.

Metro has informed us that they are extending the warning period for the cameras to January 31. They have not yet provided any information about the cameras being fixed.

Metro has invited the community to attend their Community Leadership Council Quarterly Meeting on January 13, 2022, or their Construction Update Virtual Community Meeting on January 26, 2022, where they will present on the photo enforcement system and provide Q&A. Additionally, please visit the project website for more details on the Photo Enforcement Program, Community Update Meetings (recordings from past meetings), and to sign up to receive project newsletter. Here is the link to the project site:

If you notice the cameras are taking pictures incorrectly, you may contact Raymond Acevedo, LA Metro Community Relations Officer for Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project at: Please provide the specifics of what and where you notice the cameras not working. We invite you to copy us on your email at

This important topic will be discussed at our January 8 meeting. Join us!