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Holly Mitchell Prop 68 Workshop

Please join Holly Mitchell and the Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust for a unique opportunity to learn about Prop 68 and engage in a discussion on future green space investment in Senate District 30.
WHAT: Prop 68 Workshop
WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 2019 at 10:00am-12:00pm
PURPOSE: Learn about Prop 68 funding opportunities and identify new potential green spaces in Senate District 30.
WHERE: Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area, Community Room 4100 S La Cienega Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90056
PARKING: On-site
Bring your ideas, questions, and concerns regarding park development in your neighborhood!
Please RSVP by March 6 to armine.sargsyan@sen.ca.gov.
If you have any questions, contact Armine Sargsyan at (213) 745-6656.

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