Homelessness Report by Julia Smith At Large Representative PMHCC:

October 1st, Addressing Racial Inequities In Homelesness. Panelist included:

  • Rachel M. Brashier- Councilmember Marqueece Harris Dawsons Office
  • Commissioner Wagoner
  • Dr.Ofaro
  • Suzette Shaw
  • Pete White-LACAN
  • Wendy Greuel

Objective of this meeting : To discuss the relationship between racism and homelessness

Solution: A racial equity team has been created (RET) The core values of RET are TRUST,STRENGTH, LOVE AND STRATEGY

Conclusion: Racism is a Public Health Issue, therefore inequities in homelessness must be addressed and real transformative systemic change is needed.

Panelists praised Councilmember Dawson for his efforts to fight Homelessness. I spoke to several professionals who work closely with the homeless population, and they all said they were satisfied with Dawson’s efforts and response to homelessness. They also shared that the homelessness delivery system is overwhelmed. They are faced with housing hundreds of Angelenos everyday but the number of people who need housing multiplies daily.

In addition during the Pandemic domestic violence and meth addiction has increased. Being homeless in Los Angeles has been compared to being worse than third world countries. Also the number of black women middle age and elderly is increasing. The panelist also discussed the trauma so many homeless experience and mental health sources will be needed.

Unfortunately this report does not offer information regarding metrics, implementation and cost of addressing inequities in homelessness. In addition many community members in CD8 have been concerned about homeless encampments, especially near schools. Councilman Harris Dawson has been working closely with HOPICS, and they are canvassing neighborhoods to offer services to the homeless. There is a long and tough road for the homeless in Los Angeles. Communities must work closely with elected officials, professionals, and stakeholders to come up with creative and progressive ideas to fight against homelessness.

Please also see the related: Legislative report 2020-10