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The Los Angeles Police Foundation, on behalf of the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners, has contracted with the National Police Foundation (NPF) to conduct an independent assessment of the Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) response to mass demonstrations, protests, and First Amendment assemblies that occurred between May 27, 2020, and June 7, 2020 in the City of Los Angeles.

This project will not succeed without vibrant input. Accordingly, we invite community members, business owners, first responders, and others who attended, observed, responded to, or were impacted by the protests between May 27, 2020 and June 7, 2020 to participate in an interview, focus group, or community listening session via Zoom or telephone. See Your Participation, below, for more information.

* NEW – Additional Community Listening Sessions scheduled.*
Wednesday, Feb. 17: 5:00pm – 6:00pm Pacific (via Zoom, this URL https://policefoundation.zoom.us/j/95015387061?pwd=enIxNjc0bkxrODJ6YTljUndDeXlJQT09, or the call-in numbers below)
Wednesday, Feb. 17: 7:00pm – 8:00pm Pacific (via Zoom , this URL https://policefoundation.zoom.us/j/99775166553?pwd=MjlEZzhFQ0szTlpIOVpjSjBrZXRDZz09, or the call-in numbers below)

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