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Please join Assemblymember Gipson on this Call to Action on Gun Violence.

Although officials are reporting crime is decreasing in the LA area. Gun violence is very much real in our District and State of California.

Join Assemblymember Gipson, clergy members , community members, gun control advocates for a call to action to end gun violence in our communities.

Additionally, we will be displaying shoes on the street that represent the lives lost due to gun violence. If you would like to partake we encourage you to come and bring a pair of shoes.

Assemblymember Gipson has been working on robust legislation to help address gun violence.

Thanks to your help AB 7 was signed into law, closing a loophole that would allow for open carry in areas of our district.

AB 2382 would implement background checks on individuals purchasing parts to assemble a gun, and we hope to have your full support in urging the governor sign the bill into law.

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