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Digital bus shelter advertising meeting

Join Scenic Los Angeles for a Virtual Call to Action on Digital Billboards in LA Bus Shelters Tuesday, November 17, 6:00 pm

The meeting is hosted by Scenic LA (formerly the Coalition to Ban Billboard Blight).

RSVP: https://scenic.salsalabs.org/LAdigitalbillboardmeetinginvitation119/index.html

From Scenic Los Angeles: The Los Angeles Department of Public Works plans to issue an RFP that would introduce changing digital advertising screens to more than 1,000 bus shelters in every neighborhood. More than just visual nuisances and safety hazards, these billboards use wifi and tracking software, introducing privacy concerns. The shelters will also have tracking devices that will read information from the cell phones of passers-by. There have been no opportunities for public input on this intrusive, dangerous, and potentially illegal project.

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