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Oppose SB 50 Town Hall
Please join community leaders and officials from South Los Angeles and neighboring areas at the Town Hall to Oppose SB 50.

Where: FAME Renaissance Center
1968 W Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90018

When: Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 2 PM

Doors open @1:30 Parking available onsite. Refreshments will be served

SB 50 is fatally flawed, a vast and random experiment with our lives:

• Upzones every single-family home to allow market-rate fourplexes with no affordable housing & one-half parking spot per unit

• State-mandated upzoning in all transit zones including the new Crenshaw Line and all busy bus stops will make the area unaffordable to its residents

• Permits all new buildings under 20 units to have no on-site affordable housing and in many cases reduces current overall TOC affordable housing requirements

• Rapidly accelerates real estate investment, leading to increased and uncontrolled gentrification

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