Angeles Mesa Elementary and DREAMS Magnet is hosting its 2nd Annual Career Day. As part of this celebration we are requesting your help in engaging our students in an amazing educational opportunity. Whether you are a nurse, mechanic, astronaut, custodian or business owner- we need you! We are looking for a variety of people interested in spending time talking to our students about their career.

It is our vision to prepare students that are college bound and career ready. In order to achieve this vision, Angeles Mesa Elementary & D.R.E.A.M.S. Magnet School is having a College/Career Day Event on: Friday, April 12, 2019. We need the assistance of our parents, community members, and public figures, so that together we may educate students on the importance of furthering their education and the vast career opportunities that are open to them. Therefore, we cordially invite you to make a career presentation between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on April 12, 2019.

Presentations should be between 30 minutes in length. You will present to students ranging from kindergarten through 5th grade. The recommended format includes: related school subjects, education/training, personal skills necessary in your field, typical day in your field, child friendly games and presentations, hands on activities or visuals, etc. We would certainly like for you to spend the morning with us, but we will work around your schedule, and we appreciate any time that you may be able to dedicate to this very rewarding experience.

Please access the invitation below to indicate your interest.

Career Day Invitation