Please see the responsibilities below for these positions.

President – this vacancy will be fulfilled until the end of the term of June 2021. The position will be on the ballot come January 2021 where the stakeholders will vote in May 2021.

Vice President – this vacancy will be fulfilled until June 2024 – when the next election will take place.

Please submit your Bio and which position you would like to be considered for NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2020 BY 6:00PM to

PMHCC is requesting all applicants be present at the upcoming PMHCC General Meeting on Saturday, November 14, 2020 from 10:00am – 12:00pm to provide a 2 minute introduction about yourself and how you would be an asset to the community, stakeholders and as a leader on the board.



The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Stakeholders and shall be subject to the control of the Board of Stakeholders of the Park Mesa Heights Community Council. He/She shall supervise, perform all duties incident to the Office and such other duties as may be required by law or by these Bylaws, of which may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Stakeholders. Unless other person is specifically nominated/elected as President of the Board, except as otherwise expressly provided by law or by these Bylaws, he/she shall, in the name of the Council, execute such instruments which may from time to time be authorized by the Board of Stakeholders.

The President may select or nominate additional positions and nominees to work on projects undertaken by the Council such as Committees, as needed, (i.e. Communications Officer to oversee Early Notification Systems of the Communications Committee, Government Relations Officer to perform City Oversight Functions as prescribed by DONE, Funding Resource Committee Members, Leadership Training Committee Members and other internal and external Committee Members.)
Only the President or other Executive Committee Officer, if so nominated by the President, may make official statements on behalf of the Council.

The President Shall:

  1. Preside over all meetings of the PMHCC
  2. Coordinate the efforts of all committee chairs
  3. Represent PMHCC at community and citywide functions
  4. Serve or designate a person to serve as a liaison between PMHCC and other neighborhood councils or other entities
  5. Nominate committee chairs
  6. Make a report at each regular meeting

Vice President

In the absence of the President, or in the event of his/her inability or refusal to act, the Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President, and when so acting shall have all the powers of, and be subject to all the restrictions of the President. The Vice President shall have other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law, or by these Bylaws, or as may be prescribed by the Board of Stakeholders.

The Vice President shall maintain a yearly calendar of all regular, board, special, and standing committee meetings. The Council’s calendar may be revised from time to time.