

Education Committee, Devon Williams, Chairperson

Committee focuses on Educational opportunities for Adults and Youth in Park Mesa Heights.

Meets: TBD

The Students Deserve organization has been fighting on behalf of our students. You can find them:

Issues that we are concerned about include: Criminalizing of students through searches. This preview video introduces the problem in our schools. We encourage you to watch the whole show.

Education News

Apply for a Scholarship for Retraining

The fund offers scholarships to South LA residents whose jobs have been lost because of COVID-19. CORE will pay for enrollment and completion of in-person or online professional certification and training program that will be in high-demand as our society adapts to a new COVID-19 reality, such as healthcare and technology. 

December 3rd, 2020|

PMHCC Helps Community Prepare

The Park Mesa Heights Community Council stocked and distributed 1,000 starter backpacks as go bags with an emergency blanket, glow sticks, hygiene supplies and information about emergency readiness and Park Mesa Heights Community Council. We encourage you to prepare your own Go Bag during this Emergency Preparedness Month.

September 17th, 2020|

Project 43 Team Post Centers Serves Community

Our mission here at Project 43 is to educate and enrich youth and adults into productive members of society by harvesting creativity and incubating a new generation of innovators. Our vision is to empower, uplift, and unite global communities through services and programs that will further educate and bring social and economic awareness.

August 28th, 2020|
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